LCOV - code coverage report
Current view: top level - include/ad/map/route - RouteOperation.hpp (source / functions) Hit Total Coverage
Test: ad_map_access Lines: 23 29 79.3 %
Date: 2022-10-04 09:48:07 Functions: 7 10 70.0 %
Branches: 9 20 45.0 %

           Branch data     Line data    Source code
       1                 :            : // ----------------- BEGIN LICENSE BLOCK ---------------------------------
       2                 :            : //
       3                 :            : // Copyright (C) 2018-2021 Intel Corporation
       4                 :            : //
       5                 :            : // SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
       6                 :            : //
       7                 :            : // ----------------- END LICENSE BLOCK -----------------------------------
       8                 :            : /**
       9                 :            :  * @file
      10                 :            :  */
      11                 :            : 
      12                 :            : #pragma once
      13                 :            : 
      14                 :            : #include "ad/map/lane/Types.hpp"
      15                 :            : #include "ad/map/match/Types.hpp"
      16                 :            : #include "ad/map/point/Types.hpp"
      17                 :            : #include "ad/map/route/LaneIntervalOperation.hpp"
      18                 :            : #include "ad/map/route/Routing.hpp"
      19                 :            : #include "ad/map/route/Types.hpp"
      20                 :            : #include "ad/physics/Types.hpp"
      21                 :            : 
      22                 :            : /** @brief namespace ad */
      23                 :            : namespace ad {
      24                 :            : /** @brief namespace map */
      25                 :            : namespace map {
      26                 :            : 
      27                 :            : /** @brief namespace intersection */
      28                 :            : namespace intersection {
      29                 :            : /**
      30                 :            :  * @brief forward declaration of Intersection class
      31                 :            :  */
      32                 :            : class Intersection;
      33                 :            : } // namespace intersection
      34                 :            : 
      35                 :            : /** @brief namespace route */
      36                 :            : namespace route {
      37                 :            : 
      38                 :            : /**
      39                 :            :  * @brief struct defining iterator information on a route
      40                 :            :  */
      41                 :            : struct RouteIterator
      42                 :            : {
      43                 :        391 :   RouteIterator(FullRoute const &iRoute, RoadSegmentList::const_iterator const &iRoadSegmentIterator)
      44                 :        391 :     : route(iRoute)
      45                 :        391 :     , roadSegmentIterator(iRoadSegmentIterator)
      46                 :            :   {
      47                 :        391 :   }
      48                 :            : 
      49                 :            :   /**
      50                 :            :    * @brief check for validity of the iterator
      51                 :            :    */
      52                 :         16 :   bool isValid() const
      53                 :            :   {
      54                 :         16 :     return roadSegmentIterator != std::end(route.roadSegments);
      55                 :            :   }
      56                 :            : 
      57                 :            :   /** @brief reference to the route */
      58                 :            :   FullRoute const &route;
      59                 :            :   /** @brief iterator referencing an element of the queryRoute */
      60                 :            :   RoadSegmentList::const_iterator roadSegmentIterator;
      61                 :            : };
      62                 :            : 
      63                 :            : /**
      64                 :            :  * @brief get the route iterator from a given route position
      65                 :            :  *
      66                 :            :  * @param[in] routePosition the route position to find
      67                 :            :  * @param[in] route the route to check for the position
      68                 :            :  *
      69                 :            :  * @returns the RouteIterator pointing to the corresponding route segment.
      70                 :            :  *  If the routePosition is not found an invalid RouteIterator is returned.
      71                 :            :  */
      72                 :            : RouteIterator getRouteIterator(route::RouteParaPoint const &routePosition, route::FullRoute const &route);
      73                 :            : 
      74                 :            : /**
      75                 :            :  * @brief get the lane para points in respect to the given route parametric offset
      76                 :            :  *
      77                 :            :  * @param[in] routeParametricOffset the parametric offset in respect to the route
      78                 :            :  * @param[in] laneInterval the laneInterval to consider, the whole lane interval is considered to be a full segment
      79                 :            :  *   of a route.
      80                 :            :  *
      81                 :            :  * @returns the parametric point within the corresponding lane interval in respect to the given route parametric offset.
      82                 :            :  */
      83                 :            : point::ParaPoint getLaneParaPoint(physics::ParametricValue const &routeParametricOffset,
      84                 :            :                                   route::LaneInterval const &laneInterval);
      85                 :            : 
      86                 :            : /**
      87                 :            :  * @brief get the signed distance to a lane w.r.t to a given route (direction) for the map matched positions
      88                 :            :  *
      89                 :            :  * This check searches the mapMatchedPositions for the given \a checkLaneId and returns a signed distance value to the
      90                 :            :  * lane.
      91                 :            :  *
      92                 :            :  * @param[in] checkLaneId the lane id to find
      93                 :            :  * @param[in] route in which the lane should be in
      94                 :            :  * @param[in] mapMatchedPositions the map matched positions to check
      95                 :            :  *
      96                 :            :  * @returns:
      97                 :            :  * If not part of the mapMatchedPositions:  distance = std::numeric_limits<physics::Distance>::max()
      98                 :            :  * If it's found and map matched type is:
      99                 :            :  * - map matched position is on the lane: distance = 0
     100                 :            :  * - map matched position is left of lane: distance < 0
     101                 :            :  * - map matched position is right of lane: distance > 0
     102                 :            :  *
     103                 :            :  * @throws std::runtime_error if the lane is not found inside the route
     104                 :            :  */
     105                 :            : physics::Distance signedDistanceToLane(lane::LaneId const &checkLaneId,
     106                 :            :                                        FullRoute const &route,
     107                 :            :                                        match::MapMatchedPositionConfidenceList const &mapMatchedPositions);
     108                 :            : 
     109                 :            : /**
     110                 :            :  * @brief get the lane para points in respect to the given route position
     111                 :            :  *
     112                 :            :  * @param[in] routePosition the route position to find
     113                 :            :  * @param[in] route the route to check for the position
     114                 :            :  *
     115                 :            :  * @returns the lane segment para points within the corresponding route segment.
     116                 :            :  * If the routePosition is not found an empty list is returned.
     117                 :            :  */
     118                 :            : point::ParaPointList getLaneParaPoints(route::RouteParaPoint const &routePosition, route::FullRoute const &route);
     119                 :            : 
     120                 :            : /** @brief calculate the length of the provided full route
     121                 :            :  */
     122                 :            : physics::Distance calcLength(FullRoute const &fullRoute);
     123                 :            : 
     124                 :            : /** @brief calculate the length of the provided road segment
     125                 :            :  *
     126                 :            :  * For length calculations the shortest road segment of this is used as reference.
     127                 :            :  */
     128                 :            : physics::Distance calcLength(RoadSegment const &roadSegment);
     129                 :            : 
     130                 :            : /** @brief calculate the length of the provided lane segment
     131                 :            :  */
     132                 :        196 : inline physics::Distance calcLength(LaneSegment const &laneSegment)
     133                 :            : {
     134                 :        196 :   return calcLength(laneSegment.laneInterval);
     135                 :            : }
     136                 :            : 
     137                 :            : /** @brief calculate the length of the provided connecting route
     138                 :            :  *
     139                 :            :  * For length calculations the longest route section of this is used as reference.
     140                 :            :  */
     141                 :            : physics::Distance calcLength(ConnectingRoute const &connectingRoute);
     142                 :            : 
     143                 :            : /** @brief calculate the length between the two given iterators
     144                 :            :  */
     145                 :            : physics::Distance calcLength(RouteIterator const &startIterator, RouteIterator const &endIterator);
     146                 :            : 
     147                 :            : physics::Distance
     148                 :            : calcLength(RouteParaPoint const &startRouteParaPoint, RouteParaPoint const &endRouteParaPoint, FullRoute const &route);
     149                 :            : 
     150                 :            : /** @brief calculate the Duration of the provided full route
     151                 :            :  */
     152                 :            : physics::Duration calcDuration(FullRoute const &fullRoute);
     153                 :            : 
     154                 :            : /** @brief calculate the Duration of the provided road segment
     155                 :            :  *
     156                 :            :  * For Duration calculations the shortest road segment of this is used as reference.
     157                 :            :  */
     158                 :            : physics::Duration calcDuration(RoadSegment const &roadSegment);
     159                 :            : 
     160                 :            : /** @brief calculate the Duration of the provided lane segment
     161                 :            :  */
     162                 :          5 : inline physics::Duration calcDuration(LaneSegment const &laneSegment)
     163                 :            : {
     164                 :          5 :   return calcDuration(laneSegment.laneInterval);
     165                 :            : }
     166                 :            : 
     167                 :            : /** @brief calculate the Duration of the provided connecting route
     168                 :            :  *
     169                 :            :  * For Duration calculations the longest route section of this is used as reference.
     170                 :            :  */
     171                 :            : physics::Duration calcDuration(ConnectingRoute const &connectingRoute);
     172                 :            : 
     173                 :            : /**
     174                 :            :  * @brief get the speed limits of the road segment
     175                 :            :  */
     176                 :            : restriction::SpeedLimitList getSpeedLimits(RoadSegment const &roadSegment);
     177                 :            : 
     178                 :            : /**
     179                 :            :  * @brief get the speed limits of the lane segment
     180                 :            :  */
     181                 :            : restriction::SpeedLimitList getSpeedLimits(LaneSegment const &laneSegment);
     182                 :            : 
     183                 :            : /**
     184                 :            :  * @brief get the speed limits between the two given iterators
     185                 :            :  */
     186                 :            : restriction::SpeedLimitList getSpeedLimits(RouteIterator const &startIterator, RouteIterator const &endIterator);
     187                 :            : 
     188                 :            : /**
     189                 :            :  * @brief get the speed limits of a complete route
     190                 :            :  */
     191                 :            : restriction::SpeedLimitList getSpeedLimits(FullRoute const &fullRoute);
     192                 :            : 
     193                 :            : /**
     194                 :            :  * @brief get the speed limits of a connecting route
     195                 :            :  */
     196                 :            : restriction::SpeedLimitList getSpeedLimits(ConnectingRoute const &connectingRoute);
     197                 :            : 
     198                 :            : /**
     199                 :            :  * @brief checks if the point is within the roadSegment
     200                 :            :  *
     201                 :            :  * @param[in] point parametric point to be checked against the road segment
     202                 :            :  *
     203                 :            :  * @returns \c true if the point is within one of the segments lane intervals
     204                 :            :  */
     205                 :            : bool isWithinInterval(RoadSegment const &roadSegment, point::ParaPoint const &point);
     206                 :            : 
     207                 :            : /**
     208                 :            :  * @brief struct defining the result type of findWaypoint() and findNearestWaypoint()
     209                 :            :  */
     210                 :            : struct FindWaypointResult
     211                 :            : {
     212                 :            :   /**
     213                 :            :    * @brief constructor
     214                 :            :    *
     215                 :            :    * constructs a result that is invalid
     216                 :            :    */
     217                 :            :   FindWaypointResult(FullRoute const &route);
     218                 :            : 
     219                 :            :   /**
     220                 :            :    * @brief constructor
     221                 :            :    *
     222                 :            :    * constructs a result with the provided data
     223                 :            :    */
     224                 :         73 :   FindWaypointResult(FullRoute const &route,
     225                 :            :                      point::ParaPoint const &iQueryPosition,
     226                 :            :                      RoadSegmentList::const_iterator roadSegmentIter,
     227                 :            :                      LaneSegmentList::const_iterator laneIntervalIter)
     228                 :         73 :     : queryRoute(route)
     229                 :            :     , roadSegmentIterator(roadSegmentIter)
     230                 :            :     , laneSegmentIterator(laneIntervalIter)
     231                 :         73 :     , queryPosition(iQueryPosition)
     232                 :            :   {
     233                 :         73 :   }
     234                 :            : 
     235                 :            :   /**
     236                 :            :    * @brief copy constructor
     237                 :            :    */
     238                 :            :   FindWaypointResult(FindWaypointResult const &other) = default;
     239                 :            : 
     240                 :            :   /** @brief reference to the route */
     241                 :            :   FullRoute const &queryRoute;
     242                 :            :   /** @brief iterator referencing an element of the queryRoute */
     243                 :            :   RoadSegmentList::const_iterator roadSegmentIterator;
     244                 :            :   /** @brief iterator referencing an element of the routeIterator content; only valid if routeIterator !=
     245                 :            :    * queryRoute.end() */
     246                 :            :   LaneSegmentList::const_iterator laneSegmentIterator;
     247                 :            :   /** @brief copy of the query position this waypoint result refers to */
     248                 :            :   point::ParaPoint queryPosition;
     249                 :            : 
     250                 :            :   /**
     251                 :            :    * @brief checks whether the FindWaypointResult contains valid data
     252                 :            :    */
     253                 :        329 :   bool isValid() const
     254                 :            :   {
     255                 :        329 :     return roadSegmentIterator != queryRoute.roadSegments.end()
     256   [ +  +  +  - ]:        329 :       && laneSegmentIterator != roadSegmentIterator->drivableLaneSegments.end();
     257                 :            :   }
     258                 :            :   /**
     259                 :            :    * @brief assignment operator
     260                 :            :    *
     261                 :            :    * The assignment is only possible if the other refers to the same query route as this.
     262                 :            :    * If there is a miss match a std::invalid_argument exception is thrown
     263                 :            :    */
     264                 :            :   FindWaypointResult &operator=(FindWaypointResult const &other);
     265                 :            : 
     266                 :            :   /**
     267                 :            :    * @brief return a FindWayPointResult that is iterated to the left lane of this
     268                 :            :    *
     269                 :            :    * If there is no left lane, the result is invalid (see isValid())
     270                 :            :    * @throws std::runtime_error() in case of an inconsistent route
     271                 :            :    */
     272                 :            :   FindWaypointResult getLeftLane() const;
     273                 :            : 
     274                 :            :   /**
     275                 :            :    * @brief return a FindWayPointResult that is iterated to the right lane of this
     276                 :            :    *
     277                 :            :    * If there is no right lane, the result is invalid (see isValid())
     278                 :            :    * @throws std::runtime_error() in case of an inconsistent route
     279                 :            :    */
     280                 :            :   FindWaypointResult getRightLane() const;
     281                 :            : 
     282                 :            :   /**
     283                 :            :    * @brief return a vector of FindWayPointResult that is iterated to the successor lanes of this
     284                 :            :    *
     285                 :            :    * If there are no successor lanes, the result is empty.
     286                 :            :    * @throws std::runtime_error() in case of an inconsistent route
     287                 :            :    */
     288                 :            :   std::vector<FindWaypointResult> getSuccessorLanes() const;
     289                 :            : 
     290                 :            :   /**
     291                 :            :    * @brief return a vector of FindWayPointResult that is iterated to the predecessor lanes of this
     292                 :            :    *
     293                 :            :    * If there are no predecessor lanes, the result is empty.
     294                 :            :    * @throws std::runtime_error() in case of an inconsistent route
     295                 :            :    */
     296                 :            :   std::vector<FindWaypointResult> getPredecessorLanes() const;
     297                 :            : };
     298                 :            : 
     299                 :            : /** @brief calculate the length of the route in respect to FindWaypointResult
     300                 :            :  *
     301                 :            :  *  calculate the length of the route up to the queryPosition of the FindWaypointResult
     302                 :            :  */
     303                 :            : physics::Distance calcLength(FindWaypointResult const &findWaypointResult);
     304                 :            : 
     305                 :            : /** @brief find a waypoint on the route containing the given position
     306                 :            :  *
     307                 :            :  *  The position is searched within the given full route. If the position's LaneId is present in the route,
     308                 :            :  *  and the position's offset is within the route (i.e. the point lies within the route),
     309                 :            :  *  an iterator of the route is returned in conjunction with the RouteInterval defining the interval of the route
     310                 :            :  *  covering the corresponding lane.
     311                 :            :  *
     312                 :            :  *  @param[in] position the position defining the lane id which should be searched for within the route
     313                 :            :  *  @param[in] route the route to search in
     314                 :            :  *
     315                 :            :  *  @returns waypoint result containing an iterator pointing to the route segment the lane of
     316                 :            :  *   the position is part of and the corresponding route interval having that lane id.
     317                 :            :  *   The query position is the provided \a position.
     318                 :            :  */
     319                 :            : FindWaypointResult findWaypoint(point::ParaPoint const &position, route::FullRoute const &route);
     320                 :            : 
     321                 :            : /** @brief find a waypoint on the route containing the given laneId
     322                 :            :  *
     323                 :            :  *  The position is searched within the given full route. If the position's LaneId is present in the route,
     324                 :            :  *  an iterator of the route is returned in conjunction with the RouteInterval defining the interval of the route
     325                 :            :  *  covering the corresponding lane.
     326                 :            :  *
     327                 :            :  *  @param[in] laneId the lane id which should be searched for within the route
     328                 :            :  *  @param[in] route the route to search in
     329                 :            :  *
     330                 :            :  *  @returns waypoint result containing an iterator pointing to the route segment the lane of
     331                 :            :  *   the position is part of and the corresponding route interval having that lane id.
     332                 :            :  *   The query position is (on success) the start of the lane interval within the route.
     333                 :            :  */
     334                 :            : FindWaypointResult findWaypoint(lane::LaneId const &laneId, route::FullRoute const &route);
     335                 :            : 
     336                 :            : /** @brief find waypoint on the route containing the given positions
     337                 :            :  *
     338                 :            :  *  A version of findWaypoint() allowing the position to be a vector of positions to consider
     339                 :            :  *  and select the result near to the begin of the route.
     340                 :            :  *  All the given positions are searched using the findWaypoint(); therefore @see findWaypoint() for further details.
     341                 :            :  *
     342                 :            :  *  @param[in] positions the position vector which should be searched for within the route
     343                 :            :  *  @param[in] route the route to search in
     344                 :            :  *
     345                 :            :  *  @returns waypoint result  containing an iterator pointing to the route segment the lane of
     346                 :            :  *    the position is part of and the corresponding route interval having that lane id.
     347                 :            :  *    If multiple are matching the one nearest the begin of the route is selected.
     348                 :            :  */
     349                 :            : FindWaypointResult findNearestWaypoint(point::ParaPointList const &positions, route::FullRoute const &route);
     350                 :            : 
     351                 :            : /**
     352                 :            :  * @brief find nearest waypoint on the route containing the given mapmatched positions
     353                 :            :  *
     354                 :            :  * This function will return the nearest waypoint along the route
     355                 :            :  *
     356                 :            :  *  @param[in] mapMatchedPositions the map matched positions which should be searched for within the route
     357                 :            :  *  @param[in] route the route to search in
     358                 :            :  *
     359                 :            :  *  @returns waypoint result containing an iterator pointing to the route segment the lane of
     360                 :            :  *   the position is part of and the corresponding route interval having that lane id.
     361                 :            :  *   If multiple are matching the one nearest the begin of the route is selected.
     362                 :            :  */
     363                 :            : FindWaypointResult findNearestWaypoint(match::MapMatchedPositionConfidenceList const &mapMatchedPositions,
     364                 :            :                                        route::FullRoute const &route);
     365                 :            : 
     366                 :            : /**
     367                 :            :  * @brief find waypoint on the route of the given object, preferable the object center
     368                 :            :  *
     369                 :            :  * This function first calls findNearestWayPoint on the map matched position
     370                 :            :  * confidence list of the center position.
     371                 :            :  * If this doesn't lead to a result, the center points of the respective occupied regions are
     372                 :            :  * used to find a waypoint. The search starts with the longest region and continues in decreasing order.
     373                 :            :  * If this still doesn't lead to a match findNearestWayPoint of the other map matched confidence list positions
     374                 :            :  * is taken.
     375                 :            :  *
     376                 :            :  *  @param[in] object the object which should be searched for within the route
     377                 :            :  *  @param[in] route the route to search in
     378                 :            :  *
     379                 :            :  *  @returns waypoint result containing an iterator pointing to the route segment the lane of
     380                 :            :  *   the position is part of and the corresponding route interval having that lane id.
     381                 :            :  */
     382                 :            : FindWaypointResult findCenterWaypoint(match::Object const &object, route::FullRoute const &route);
     383                 :            : 
     384                 :            : /**
     385                 :            :  * @brief find nearest waypoint on the route containing the given mapmatched bounding box
     386                 :            :  *
     387                 :            :  * This function will return the nearest waypoint along the route
     388                 :            :  *
     389                 :            :  *  @param[in] object which position which should be searched for within the route
     390                 :            :  *  @param[in] route the route to search in
     391                 :            :  *
     392                 :            :  *  @returns waypoint result  containing an iterator pointing to the route segment the lane of
     393                 :            :  *   the position is part of and the corresponding route interval having that lane id.
     394                 :            :  *   If multiple are matching the one nearest the begin of the route is selected.
     395                 :            :  */
     396                 :            : FindWaypointResult objectOnRoute(match::MapMatchedObjectBoundingBox const &object, route::FullRoute const &route);
     397                 :            : 
     398                 :            : /**
     399                 :            :  * @brief find waypoint on the route containing a lane of the given intersection
     400                 :            :  *
     401                 :            :  * This function will return the nearest waypoint along the route
     402                 :            :  *
     403                 :            :  *  @param[in] intersection which inner lanes should be searched for within the route
     404                 :            :  *  @param[in] route the route to search in
     405                 :            :  *
     406                 :            :  *  @returns waypoint result  containing an iterator pointing to the route segment the lane of the intersection
     407                 :            :  *  is part of and the corresponding route interval having that lane id.
     408                 :            :  *  If multiple are matching the one nearest the begin of the route is selected.
     409                 :            :  *
     410                 :            :  */
     411                 :            : FindWaypointResult intersectionOnRoute(intersection::Intersection const &intersection, route::FullRoute const &route);
     412                 :            : 
     413                 :            : /**
     414                 :            :  * @returns \c true if the connecting route contains road segments which are part of an intersection
     415                 :            :  */
     416                 :            : bool isConnectedRoutePartOfAnIntersection(route::ConnectingRoute const &connectingRoute);
     417                 :            : 
     418                 :            : /** @brief enumeration providing more insights into the actual shorten route result
     419                 :            :  */
     420                 :            : enum class ShortenRouteResult
     421                 :            : {
     422                 :            :   /** Shortening succeeded
     423                 :            :    */
     424                 :            :   Succeeded,
     425                 :            :   /** Shortening succeeded: the actual provided position(s) were not found with the
     426                 :            :    *   findNearestWaypoint() function, but at least one position is on a lane of the
     427                 :            :    *   route start lane segments, just before the route interval starts
     428                 :            :    */
     429                 :            :   SucceededBeforeRoute,
     430                 :            :   /** Shortening succeeded, but the resulting route is empty (i.e. crossed the end of the route)
     431                 :            :    */
     432                 :            :   SucceededRouteEmpty,
     433                 :            :   /** Shortening succeeded: the shortening would cut the current intersection within route.
     434                 :            :    *  Therefore, actually not cut.
     435                 :            :    */
     436                 :            :   SucceededIntersectionNotCut,
     437                 :            :   /** Shortening failed, the resulting (or already the input) route is empty
     438                 :            :    */
     439                 :            :   FailedRouteEmpty
     440                 :            : };
     441                 :            : 
     442                 :            : /** @brief enumeration defining the mode of operation of the shortenRoute() functions
     443                 :            :  */
     444                 :            : enum class ShortenRouteMode
     445                 :            : {
     446                 :            :   /** Standard behavior
     447                 :            :    */
     448                 :            :   Normal,
     449                 :            :   /** If shorten route result would be: ShortenRouteResult::SucceededBeforeRoute, the route is extended
     450                 :            :    *  at the beginning so that the result actually becomes ShortenRouteResult::Succeeded
     451                 :            :    */
     452                 :            :   PrependIfSucceededBeforeRoute,
     453                 :            :   /**
     454                 :            :    * If the shorten route operation would cut an intersection in between,
     455                 :            :    * the route is not shortened further, before the intersection is actually left.
     456                 :            :    *
     457                 :            :    * If shorten route result would be: ShortenRouteResult::SucceededBeforeRoute, the route is extended
     458                 :            :    *  at the beginning so that the result actually becomes ShortenRouteResult::Succeeded
     459                 :            :    */
     460                 :            :   DontCutIntersectionAndPrependIfSucceededBeforeRoute
     461                 :            : };
     462                 :            : 
     463                 :            : /** @brief follow the route up to a certain position and shorten the route accordingly
     464                 :            :  *
     465                 :            :  * @param[in] currentPosition the position which should mark the start of the route after shortening
     466                 :            :  * @param[in/out] route the route to be shortened
     467                 :            :  * @param[in] extendIfSucceededBeforeRoute if this flag is set @c true,
     468                 :            :  *
     469                 :            :  * @retval ShortenRouteResult::Succeeded, SucceededBeforeRoute::SucceededBeforeRoute if the shortening request was
     470                 :            :  * accepted resulting in a valid route.
     471                 :            :  * @retval ShortenRouteResult::SucceededRouteEmpty if the shortening request was accepted resulting in an empty route
     472                 :            :  * (i.e. end of route just crossed).
     473                 :            :  * @retval ShortenRouteResult::FailedRouteEmpty if the shortening failed and resulting route is empty.
     474                 :            :  */
     475                 :            : ShortenRouteResult shortenRoute(point::ParaPoint const &currentPosition,
     476                 :            :                                 route::FullRoute &route,
     477                 :            :                                 ShortenRouteMode const shortenRouteMode = ShortenRouteMode::Normal);
     478                 :            : 
     479                 :            : /** @brief follow the route up to a certain position and shorten the route accordingly
     480                 :            :  *
     481                 :            :  * Overloaded version of shortenRoute() allow the position to be a vector of positions to consider.
     482                 :            :  * If multiple of the positions were actually present within the route, the one is selected providing the
     483                 :            :  * longest resulting route.
     484                 :            :  *
     485                 :            :  * @param[in] currentPositions the vector of positions which should mark the start of the route after shortening
     486                 :            :  * @param[in/out] route the route to be shortened
     487                 :            :  *
     488                 :            :  * @retval ShortenRouteResult::Succeeded, SucceededBeforeRoute::SucceededBeforeRoute if the shortening request was
     489                 :            :  * accepted resulting in a valid route.
     490                 :            :  * @retval ShortenRouteResult::SucceededRouteEmpty if the shortening request was accepted resulting in an empty route
     491                 :            :  * (i.e. end of route just crossed).
     492                 :            :  * @retval ShortenRouteResult::FailedRouteEmpty if the shortening failed and resulting route is empty.
     493                 :            :  */
     494                 :            : ShortenRouteResult shortenRoute(point::ParaPointList const &currentPositions,
     495                 :            :                                 route::FullRoute &route,
     496                 :            :                                 ShortenRouteMode const shortenRouteMode = ShortenRouteMode::Normal);
     497                 :            : 
     498                 :            : /** @brief follow the route up to a certain position and shorten the route accordingly
     499                 :            :  *
     500                 :            :  * Overloaded version of shortenRoute() allow the position to be a list of mapmatched positions to consider.
     501                 :            :  * If multiple of the positions were actually present within the route, the one is selected providing the
     502                 :            :  * longest resulting route.
     503                 :            :  *
     504                 :            :  * @param[in] mapMatchedPositions the map matched positions which should mark the start of the route after shortening
     505                 :            :  * @param[in/out] route the route to be shortened
     506                 :            :  *
     507                 :            :  * @retval ShortenRouteResult::Succeeded, SucceededBeforeRoute::SucceededBeforeRoute if the shortening request was
     508                 :            :  * accepted resulting in a valid route.
     509                 :            :  * @retval ShortenRouteResult::SucceededRouteEmpty if the shortening request was accepted resulting in an empty route
     510                 :            :  * (i.e. end of route just crossed).
     511                 :            :  * @retval ShortenRouteResult::FailedRouteEmpty if the shortening failed and resulting route is empty.
     512                 :            :  */
     513                 :            : ShortenRouteResult shortenRoute(match::MapMatchedPositionConfidenceList const &mapMatchedPositions,
     514                 :            :                                 route::FullRoute &route,
     515                 :            :                                 ShortenRouteMode const shortenRouteMode = ShortenRouteMode::Normal);
     516                 :            : 
     517                 :            : /**
     518                 :            :  * @brief calculate the RouteParaPoint at a given distance to a given RouteParaPoint
     519                 :            :  *
     520                 :            :  * @param[in] route
     521                 :            :  * @param[in] origin the reference point to this the distance should be calculated
     522                 :            :  * @param[in] distance: Negative value is towards begin of the route. Positive values is towards end of the route
     523                 :            :  * @param[out] resultingPoint: the point at distance to the origin RouteParaPoint
     524                 :            :  *
     525                 :            :  * returns @c true if the resultingParaPoint was found in the route
     526                 :            :  */
     527                 :            : bool calculateRouteParaPointAtDistance(route::FullRoute const &route,
     528                 :            :                                        route::RouteParaPoint const &origin,
     529                 :            :                                        physics::Distance const &distance,
     530                 :            :                                        route::RouteParaPoint &resultingPoint);
     531                 :            : 
     532                 :            : /**
     533                 :            :  * @brief calculate the RouteParaPoint for a given ParaPoint and FullRoute
     534                 :            :  *
     535                 :            :  * @param[in] paraPoint is the point under consideration
     536                 :            :  * @param[in] route
     537                 :            :  * @param[out] routeParaPoint: the converted result
     538                 :            :  *
     539                 :            :  * returns @c true if the paraPoint was found in the route
     540                 :            :  */
     541                 :            : bool getRouteParaPointFromParaPoint(point::ParaPoint const &paraPoint,
     542                 :            :                                     FullRoute const &route,
     543                 :            :                                     route::RouteParaPoint &routeParaPoint);
     544                 :            : 
     545                 :            : /**
     546                 :            :  * @brief the mode how the route section will be created
     547                 :            :  */
     548                 :            : enum class RouteSectionCreationMode
     549                 :            : {
     550                 :            :   SingleLane,   /**< In the resulting route section the LaneSegments contain on single lane interval */
     551                 :            :   AllRouteLanes /**< In the resulting route section the LaneSegments contain all the lanes of the original route */
     552                 :            : };
     553                 :            : 
     554                 :            : /**
     555                 :            :  * @brief Return a section of the route that is within the given distance around the given LanePoint
     556                 :            :  *
     557                 :            :  * This section will contain the LaneInterval that the center point is located at and all
     558                 :            :  * the predecessors & successors of this lane up to the given distances or the start / end of the route
     559                 :            :  * The length of the resulting route will be distanceFront + distanceEnd except the start / end of the route is within
     560                 :            :  * the delta region.
     561                 :            :  *
     562                 :            :  * @param[in] currentLane specifying the origin of the delta section as FindWaypointResult
     563                 :            :  * @param[in] distance to be included in the delta region towards begin of the route
     564                 :            :  * @param[in] distance to be included in the delta region towards end of the route
     565                 :            :  * @param[in] the route
     566                 :            :  * @param[in] routeSectionCreationMode the creation mode for the route section.
     567                 :            :  *
     568                 :            :  * return the extracted route (will be empty if the centerPoint is not found in the route)
     569                 :            :  *
     570                 :            :  * @throws std::runtime_error if the route is inconsistent
     571                 :            :  */
     572                 :            : FullRoute getRouteSection(FindWaypointResult const &currentLane,
     573                 :            :                           physics::Distance const &distanceFront,
     574                 :            :                           physics::Distance const &distanceEnd,
     575                 :            :                           FullRoute const &route,
     576                 :            :                           RouteSectionCreationMode const routeSectionCreationMode
     577                 :            :                           = RouteSectionCreationMode::SingleLane);
     578                 :            : 
     579                 :            : /**
     580                 :            :  * @brief Return a section of the route that is within the given distance around the given LanePoint
     581                 :            :  *
     582                 :            :  * This section will contain the LaneInterval that the center point is located at and all
     583                 :            :  * the predecessors & successors of this lane up to the given distances or the start / end of the route
     584                 :            :  * The length of the resulting route will be distanceFront + distanceEnd except the start / end of the route is within
     585                 :            :  * the delta region.
     586                 :            :  *
     587                 :            :  * @param[in] centerPoint specifying the origin of the delta section
     588                 :            :  * @param[in] distance to be included in the delta region towards begin of the route
     589                 :            :  * @param[in] distance to be included in the delta region towards end of the route
     590                 :            :  * @param[in] the route
     591                 :            :  * @param[in] routeSectionCreationMode the creation mode for the route section.
     592                 :            :  *
     593                 :            :  * return the extracted route (will be empty if the centerPoint is not found in the route)
     594                 :            :  *
     595                 :            :  * @throws std::runtime_error if the route is inconsistent
     596                 :            :  */
     597                 :            : route::FullRoute getRouteSection(point::ParaPoint const &centerPoint,
     598                 :            :                                  physics::Distance const &distanceFront,
     599                 :            :                                  physics::Distance const &distanceEnd,
     600                 :            :                                  route::FullRoute const &route,
     601                 :            :                                  RouteSectionCreationMode const routeSectionCreationMode
     602                 :            :                                  = RouteSectionCreationMode::SingleLane);
     603                 :            : 
     604                 :            : /**
     605                 :            :  * @brief Return a section of the route that is around the given object
     606                 :            :  *
     607                 :            :  * This section will contain the LaneInterval that the center point of the object is located at and all
     608                 :            :  * the predecessors & successors of this lane up to half of the objects length or the start / end of the route
     609                 :            :  * The length of the resulting route will be object's length except the start / end of the route is within
     610                 :            :  * the delta region.
     611                 :            :  *
     612                 :            :  * @param[in] object specifying the object as the origin and dimension of the delta section
     613                 :            :  * @param[in] the route
     614                 :            :  * @param[in] routeSectionCreationMode the creation mode for the route section.
     615                 :            :  *
     616                 :            :  * return the extracted route (will be empty if the object is not found in the route)
     617                 :            :  *
     618                 :            :  * @throws std::runtime_error if the route is inconsistent
     619                 :            :  */
     620                 :            : route::FullRoute getRouteSection(match::Object const &object,
     621                 :            :                                  route::FullRoute const &route,
     622                 :            :                                  RouteSectionCreationMode const routeSectionCreationMode
     623                 :            :                                  = RouteSectionCreationMode::SingleLane);
     624                 :            : 
     625                 :            : /**
     626                 :            :  * @brief struct defining the result type of findFirstLaneChange()
     627                 :            :  */
     628                 :            : struct FindLaneChangeResult
     629                 :            : {
     630                 :            :   /**
     631                 :            :    * @brief constructor
     632                 :            :    *
     633                 :            :    * constructs a result that is invalid
     634                 :            :    */
     635                 :            :   explicit FindLaneChangeResult(FullRoute const &route);
     636                 :            : 
     637                 :            :   /** @brief reference to the route */
     638                 :            :   FullRoute const &queryRoute;
     639                 :            : 
     640                 :            :   /** @brief iterator referencing to route index where the lane change can start at the earliest */
     641                 :            :   RoadSegmentList::const_iterator laneChangeStartRouteIterator;
     642                 :            : 
     643                 :            :   /** @brief iterator referencing an element of the laneChangeStartRouteIterator content; only valid if
     644                 :            :    * laneChangeStartRouteIterator !=
     645                 :            :    * queryRoute.routeSegments.end() */
     646                 :            :   LaneSegmentList::const_iterator laneChangeStartLaneSegmentIterator;
     647                 :            : 
     648                 :            :   /** @brief iterator referencing to route index where the lane change needs to be ended at the latest */
     649                 :            :   RoadSegmentList::const_iterator laneChangeEndRouteIterator;
     650                 :            : 
     651                 :            :   /** @brief iterator referencing an element of the laneChangeEndRouteIterator content; only valid if
     652                 :            :    * laneChangeEndRouteIterator !=
     653                 :            :    * queryRoute.routeSegments.end() */
     654                 :            :   LaneSegmentList::const_iterator laneChangeEndLaneSegmentIterator;
     655                 :            : 
     656                 :            :   /** @brief the lane change direction */
     657                 :            :   LaneChangeDirection laneChangeDirection;
     658                 :            : 
     659                 :            :   /** @brief the number of connected lane changes to reach the desired target lane from the current position */
     660                 :            :   uint32_t numberOfConnectedLaneChanges{0u};
     661                 :            : 
     662                 :            :   /** @brief returns true, if the routeIteratorLaneChangeStart and the routeIteratorLaneChangeEnd, as well as the lane
     663                 :            :    * change direction are set */
     664                 :          8 :   bool isValid() const
     665                 :            :   {
     666                 :          8 :     return laneChangeStartRouteIterator != std::end(queryRoute.roadSegments)
     667         [ +  - ]:          5 :       && laneChangeStartLaneSegmentIterator != std::end(laneChangeStartRouteIterator->drivableLaneSegments)
     668         [ +  - ]:          5 :       && laneChangeEndRouteIterator != std::end(queryRoute.roadSegments)
     669         [ +  - ]:          5 :       && laneChangeEndLaneSegmentIterator != std::end(laneChangeEndRouteIterator->drivableLaneSegments)
     670   [ +  +  +  - ]:         13 :       && laneChangeDirection != LaneChangeDirection::Invalid;
     671                 :            :   }
     672                 :            : 
     673                 :            :   /**
     674                 :            :    * @brief calculate the length of the zone of the lane change
     675                 :            :    *
     676                 :            :    * @returns the length of the lane change zone on the route including start and end lane change segment
     677                 :            :    */
     678                 :            :   physics::Distance calcZoneLength() const;
     679                 :            : };
     680                 :            : 
     681                 :            : /** @brief finds the first route interval on a given route where a lane change is necessary to travel the given
     682                 :            :  * route from start to end. The function finds the first lane change only.
     683                 :            :  *
     684                 :            :  * The result is returned by an FindLaneChangeResult which holds
     685                 :            :  * - the routeIteratorLaneChangeStart as the pointer to the route index on where the lane change can start at the
     686                 :            :  *   earliest. A valid routeIteratorLaneChangeStart can be in the range [std::begin(route), std::end(route)[.
     687                 :            :  * - the routeIteratorLaneChangeEnd as the point on the route where the lane change needs to be finished at the
     688                 :            :  *   latest. A valid routeIteratorLaneChangeEnd can be in the range [std::begin(route), std::end(route)[
     689                 :            :  * - the laneChangeDirection specifying if the lane change goes from left to right or right to left.
     690                 :            :  *
     691                 :            :  * This function uses the logger of the AdMapAccess::instance() singleton.
     692                 :            :  *
     693                 :            :  * @param[in] currentPositionEgoVehicle the currentPosition of the ego vehicle
     694                 :            :  * @param[in] route the route on which the first lane change is searched
     695                 :            :  *
     696                 :            :  * @returns a valid lane change result as described above if the route contains a lane change. Returns an invalid
     697                 :            :  * FindLaneChangeResult if there is no lane change on the route.
     698                 :            :  *
     699                 :            :  * @throws std::runtime_error if the route contains invalid transitions.
     700                 :            :  * @throws std::runtime_error if the map is not initialized or the road network could not be obtained
     701                 :            :  *
     702                 :            :  */
     703                 :            : FindLaneChangeResult findFirstLaneChange(match::MapMatchedPosition const &currentPositionEgoVehicle,
     704                 :            :                                          route::FullRoute const &route);
     705                 :            : 
     706                 :            : /** @brief shorten the route from the end to have at maximum the given length
     707                 :            :  *
     708                 :            :  * A cut of the route is not performed within an intersection, the intersection is kept fully within the route.
     709                 :            :  *
     710                 :            :  * @param[in/out] route the route to check and to shorten at the end
     711                 :            :  * @param[in] length the maximum length
     712                 :            :  */
     713                 :            : void shortenRouteToDistance(route::FullRoute &route, const physics::Distance &length);
     714                 :            : 
     715                 :            : /** @brief function to append a new lane interval to a road segment list
     716                 :            :  *
     717                 :            :  * In contrast to appendRoadSegmentToRoute() here only the lane interval without any neighbors is added
     718                 :            :  *
     719                 :            :  * @param[in] laneInterval the new lane interval to be append
     720                 :            :  * @param[in] route the route the interval has to be appended
     721                 :            :  * @param[in] segmentCountFromDestination the segment count for the new road segment to be created
     722                 :            :  *
     723                 :            :  */
     724                 :            : void appendLaneSegmentToRoute(route::LaneInterval const &laneInterval,
     725                 :            :                               route::FullRoute &route,
     726                 :            :                               route::SegmentCounter const segmentCountFromDestination = 0u);
     727                 :            : 
     728                 :            : /**
     729                 :            :  * @brief extends route to have at least the given length
     730                 :            :  *
     731                 :            :  * @param[in/out] route the route to check and to extend
     732                 :            :  * @param[in] length the minimum length
     733                 :            :  * @param[in/out] additionalRoutes additional routes in case of intersections on the extension
     734                 :            :  * @param[in] relevantLanes if not empty, the function restricts the extension to the given set of lanes
     735                 :            :  *
     736                 :            :  * @returns pair of bool and vector
     737                 :            :  *
     738                 :            :  *  @c true if the route has sufficient length or was extended.
     739                 :            :  *          If @c false is returned the route is/was empty/degenerated or the additional routes were not empty.
     740                 :            : 
     741                 :            :  */
     742                 :            : bool extendRouteToDistance(route::FullRoute &route,
     743                 :            :                            physics::Distance const &length,
     744                 :            :                            route::FullRouteList &additionalRoutes,
     745                 :            :                            lane::LaneIdSet const &relevantLanes = ad::map::lane::LaneIdSet());
     746                 :            : 
     747                 :            : /**
     748                 :            :  * @brief extends route with the given list of destinations
     749                 :            :  *
     750                 :            :  * @param[in/out] route the route to check and to extend
     751                 :            :  * @param[in] dest Vector with supporting points as routing parametric points to be visited on the route. Last point in
     752                 :            :  * the list is the
     753                 :            :  * actual destination point.
     754                 :            :  *
     755                 :            :  * @returns @c false is returned if the route is/was empty/degenerated
     756                 :            :  */
     757                 :            : bool extendRouteToDestinations(route::FullRoute &route, const std::vector<route::planning::RoutingParaPoint> &dest);
     758                 :            : 
     759                 :            : /**
     760                 :            :  * @brief extends route with the given list of destinations
     761                 :            :  *
     762                 :            :  * @param[in/out] route the route to check and to extend
     763                 :            :  * @param[in] dest Vector with supporting points as geo points to be visited on the route. Last point in the list is the
     764                 :            :  * actual destination point.
     765                 :            :  *
     766                 :            :  * @returns @c false is returned if the route is/was empty/degenerated
     767                 :            :  */
     768                 :            : bool extendRouteToDestinations(route::FullRoute &route, const std::vector<point::GeoPoint> &dest);
     769                 :            : 
     770                 :            : /**
     771                 :            :  * @brief extends route with the given list of destinations
     772                 :            :  *
     773                 :            :  * @param[in/out] route the route to check and to extend
     774                 :            :  * @param[in] dest Vector with supporting points as ENU points to be visited on the route. Last point in the list is the
     775                 :            :  * actual destination point.
     776                 :            :  *
     777                 :            :  * @returns @c false is returned if the route is/was empty/degenerated
     778                 :            :  */
     779                 :            : bool extendRouteToDestinations(route::FullRoute &route, const std::vector<point::ENUPoint> &dest);
     780                 :            : 
     781                 :            : /** @brief function to append a new lane interval to a road segment list
     782                 :            :  *
     783                 :            :  * This function is mainly used while creation of a FullRoute object.
     784                 :            :  * The lane interval is expanded by it's left and right neighbor lanes (with same driving direction) to a complete
     785                 :            :  * road segment; which is then appended to the provided road segment list.
     786                 :            :  *
     787                 :            :  * After the route is finished, planning::updateRoutePlanningCounters() should be called to update the planning
     788                 :            :  * counters.
     789                 :            :  *
     790                 :            :  * @param[in] laneInterval the new lane interval to be append
     791                 :            :  * @param[in] laneOffset the lane offset of the new lane interval to be append
     792                 :            :  * @param[in] route the route the interval has to be appended
     793                 :            :  * @param[in] relevantLanes if not empty, the function restricts the extension to the given set of lanes
     794                 :            :  *
     795                 :            :  */
     796                 :            : void appendRoadSegmentToRoute(route::LaneInterval const &laneInverval,
     797                 :            :                               route::RouteLaneOffset const &laneOffset,
     798                 :            :                               route::FullRoute &route,
     799                 :            :                               lane::LaneIdSet const &relevantLanes);
     800                 :            : 
     801                 :            : /**
     802                 :            :  * @brief add an opposing lane segment to an existing (and not empty) road segment with at most the given length
     803                 :            :  *
     804                 :            :  * This function must only be used, if an existing route should be extended with an opposing lane.
     805                 :            :  * Note, the length of the lane segment can be less than the provided distance, in case the neighboring lane segment
     806                 :            :  * is shorter as well.
     807                 :            :  *
     808                 :            :  * The function is used by addOpposingLaneToRoute
     809                 :            :  *
     810                 :            :  * @param[in] startPoint is the start point where the opposing lane segment will start
     811                 :            :  * @param[in] distance is the maximum distance of the newly added lane segment
     812                 :            :  * @param[in/out] roadSegment is the road segment which is updated with the opposing lane segment
     813                 :            :  * @param[in/out] route is the route the road segment belons to
     814                 :            :  *
     815                 :            :  * @return -1 on failure, otherwise the length of the new lane segment is added
     816                 :            :  */
     817                 :            : physics::Distance addOpposingLaneSegmentToRoadSegment(point::ParaPoint const &startpoint,
     818                 :            :                                                       physics::Distance const &distance,
     819                 :            :                                                       route::RoadSegment &roadSegment,
     820                 :            :                                                       route::FullRoute &route);
     821                 :            : 
     822                 :            : /**
     823                 :            :  * @brief add a part of the opposing lane to an existing route. The part is at most distanceOnWrongLane long,
     824                 :            :  *        but may be shorter (e.g. intersections stop adding more segments of the opposing lane)
     825                 :            :  *
     826                 :            :  * Note the starting point of adding the opposing lane must be in the first segment of the route
     827                 :            :  *
     828                 :            :  * @param[in] pointOnOppositeLane is the starting point at which the opposite lane should be added
     829                 :            :  * @param[in] distanceOnWrongLane maximum distance on the opposite lane
     830                 :            :  * @param[in/out] route to be updated
     831                 :            :  * @param[out] coveredDistance is the actually covered distance of the opposing lane segment(s)
     832                 :            :  */
     833                 :            : bool addOpposingLaneToRoute(point::ParaPoint const &pointOnOppositeLane,
     834                 :            :                             physics::Distance const &distanceOnWrongLane,
     835                 :            :                             route::FullRoute &route,
     836                 :            :                             physics::Distance &coveredDistance);
     837                 :            : 
     838                 :            : /**
     839                 :            :  * @returns the input route expanded by all lanes in opposite driving direction
     840                 :            :  *
     841                 :            :  * Internally recreates the route by calling appendRoadSegmentToRoute() with a new route
     842                 :            :  * having RouteCreationMode::AllRoutableLanes
     843                 :            :  */
     844                 :            : route::FullRoute getRouteExpandedToOppositeLanes(route::FullRoute const &route);
     845                 :            : 
     846                 :            : /**
     847                 :            :  * @returns the input route expanded by all neighbor lanes
     848                 :            :  *
     849                 :            :  * Internally recreates the route by calling appendRoadSegmentToRoute()  with a new route
     850                 :            :  * having RouteCreationMode::AllNeighbors
     851                 :            :  */
     852                 :            : route::FullRoute getRouteExpandedToAllNeighborLanes(route::FullRoute const &route);
     853                 :            : 
     854                 :            : /**
     855                 :            :  * @brief calculate a bypassing route for a given (blocked) route
     856                 :            :  *
     857                 :            :  * This function is designed to by used to get a route around parking vehicles or for overtaking
     858                 :            :  * The output route makes use of neighboring lanes and respects left-hand/right-hand traffic flow
     859                 :            :  * The calculation fails when reaching an intersection
     860                 :            :  *
     861                 :            :  * @param[in] route is the input route, which should not be used
     862                 :            :  * @param[out] bypassingRoute is the new route, making use of neighboring lanes
     863                 :            :  *
     864                 :            :  * @return false if no valid bypassing route was found
     865                 :            :  */
     866                 :            : bool calculateBypassingRoute(route::FullRoute const &route, route::FullRoute &bypassingRoute);
     867                 :            : 
     868                 :            : /** @brief get borders of a road segment. The road segment is cut at a given parametric offset.
     869                 :            :  *
     870                 :            :  * The order of the points within the LaneGeometries are ordered according to the route direction.
     871                 :            :  *
     872                 :            :  * @param[in] roadSegment the road segment to extract the borders from
     873                 :            :  * @param[in] parametricOffset parametric offset the borders are cut
     874                 :            :  */
     875                 :            : lane::ECEFBorder getECEFBorderOfRoadSegment(RoadSegment const &roadSegment,
     876                 :            :                                             physics::ParametricValue const parametricOffset);
     877                 :            : 
     878                 :            : /** @brief get borders of a road segment
     879                 :            :  *
     880                 :            :  * The order of the points within the LaneGeometries are ordered according to the route direction.
     881                 :            :  *
     882                 :            :  * @param[in] roadSegment the road segment to extract the borders from
     883                 :            :  */
     884                 :          0 : inline lane::ECEFBorder getECEFBorderOfRoadSegment(RoadSegment const &roadSegment)
     885                 :            : {
     886         [ #  # ]:          0 :   return getECEFBorderOfRoadSegment(roadSegment, physics::ParametricValue(1.));
     887                 :            : }
     888                 :            : 
     889                 :            : /** @brief get borders of a road segment. The road segment is cut at a given parametric offset.
     890                 :            :  *
     891                 :            :  * The order of the points within the LaneGeometries are ordered according to the route direction.
     892                 :            :  *
     893                 :            :  * @param[in] roadSegment the road segment to extract the borders from
     894                 :            :  * @param[in] parametricOffset parametric offset the borders are cut
     895                 :            :  */
     896                 :            : lane::ENUBorder getENUBorderOfRoadSegment(RoadSegment const &roadSegment,
     897                 :            :                                           physics::ParametricValue const parametricOffset);
     898                 :            : 
     899                 :            : /** @brief get borders of a road segment
     900                 :            :  *
     901                 :            :  * The order of the points within the LaneGeometries are ordered according to the route direction.
     902                 :            :  *
     903                 :            :  * @param[in] roadSegment the road segment to extract the borders from
     904                 :            :  */
     905                 :          0 : inline lane::ENUBorder getENUBorderOfRoadSegment(RoadSegment const &roadSegment)
     906                 :            : {
     907         [ #  # ]:          0 :   return getENUBorderOfRoadSegment(roadSegment, physics::ParametricValue(1.));
     908                 :            : }
     909                 :            : 
     910                 :            : /** @brief get borders of a road segment. The road segment is cut at a given parametric offset.
     911                 :            :  *
     912                 :            :  * The order of the points within the LaneGeometries are ordered according to the route direction.
     913                 :            :  *
     914                 :            :  * @param[in] roadSegment the road segment to extract the borders from
     915                 :            :  * @param[in] parametricOffset parametric offset the borders are cut
     916                 :            :  */
     917                 :            : lane::GeoBorder getGeoBorderOfRoadSegment(RoadSegment const &roadSegment,
     918                 :            :                                           physics::ParametricValue const parametricOffset);
     919                 :            : 
     920                 :            : /** @brief get borders of a road segment
     921                 :            :  *
     922                 :            :  * The order of the points within the LaneGeometries are ordered according to the route direction.
     923                 :            :  *
     924                 :            :  * @param[in] roadSegment the road segment to extract the borders from
     925                 :            :  */
     926                 :          0 : inline lane::GeoBorder getGeoBorderOfRoadSegment(RoadSegment const &roadSegment)
     927                 :            : {
     928         [ #  # ]:          0 :   return getGeoBorderOfRoadSegment(roadSegment, physics::ParametricValue(1.));
     929                 :            : }
     930                 :            : 
     931                 :            : /** @brief get borders of a full route
     932                 :            :  *
     933                 :            :  * The order of the points within the LaneGeometries are ordered according to the route direction.
     934                 :            :  * The borders of successive road segments are collected in the result vector.
     935                 :            :  *
     936                 :            :  * @param[in] route the route to extract the borders from
     937                 :            :  */
     938                 :            : lane::ENUBorderList getENUBorderOfRoute(FullRoute const &route);
     939                 :            : 
     940                 :            : /** @brief get borders of a full route
     941                 :            :  *
     942                 :            :  * The order of the points within the LaneGeometries are ordered according to the route direction.
     943                 :            :  * The borders of successive road segments are collected in the result vector.
     944                 :            :  *
     945                 :            :  * @param[in] route the route to extract the borders from
     946                 :            :  */
     947                 :            : lane::ECEFBorderList getECEFBorderOfRoute(FullRoute const &route);
     948                 :            : 
     949                 :            : /** @brief get borders of a full route
     950                 :            :  *
     951                 :            :  * The order of the points within the LaneGeometries are ordered according to the route direction.
     952                 :            :  * The borders of successive road segments are collected in the result vector.
     953                 :            :  *
     954                 :            :  * @param[in] route the route to extract the borders from
     955                 :            :  */
     956                 :            : lane::GeoBorderList getGeoBorderOfRoute(FullRoute const &route);
     957                 :            : 
     958                 :            : /**
     959                 :            :  * @brief get the ENU heading of a route at the location of the object
     960                 :            :  *
     961                 :            :  * @param object the object on the route
     962                 :            :  * @param route the route
     963                 :            :  *
     964                 :            :  * @throws std::runtime_error if the objects map matched bounding box is not on the route
     965                 :            :  */
     966                 :            : point::ENUHeading getENUHeadingOfRoute(match::Object const &object, FullRoute const &route);
     967                 :            : 
     968                 :            : /**
     969                 :            :  * @brief compare the ENU heading of the route at the location of the object with the ENU heading of the object
     970                 :            :  *
     971                 :            :  * @returns \c true if the difference between object heading and route heading at the object position
     972                 :            :  * is not larger than 90°
     973                 :            :  * @throws std::runtime_error if the objects map matched bounding box is not on the route
     974                 :            :  */
     975                 :            : bool isObjectHeadingInRouteDirection(match::Object const &object, FullRoute const &route);
     976                 :            : 
     977                 :            : /**
     978                 :            :  * @brief Shorten the provided road segment by a certain distance from the begin
     979                 :            :  *
     980                 :            :  * The intervals of the segment are shortened as described in shortenIntervalFromBegin()
     981                 :            :  *
     982                 :            :  * @throws std::runtime_error if the roadSegment is invalid
     983                 :            :  */
     984                 :            : void shortenSegmentFromBegin(RoadSegment &roadSegment, physics::Distance const &distance);
     985                 :            : 
     986                 :            : /**
     987                 :            :  * @brief Shorten the provided road segment by a certain distance from the end
     988                 :            :  *
     989                 :            :  * The intervals of the segment are shortened as described in shortenIntervalFromEnd()
     990                 :            :  *
     991                 :            :  * @throws std::runtime_error if the roadSegment is invalid
     992                 :            :  */
     993                 :            : void shortenSegmentFromEnd(RoadSegment &roadSegment, physics::Distance const &distance);
     994                 :            : 
     995                 :            : } // namespace route
     996                 :            : } // namespace map
     997                 :            : } // namespace ad

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